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The Wellcome Practice

Your health is our priority!

Non-urgent advice: Please note

The Surgery phone lines will be closed daily between 1 & 2pm.

Our email address to order medication has now to changed to: [email protected]. You can also order your repeat medication using the NHS or Patient services app, please ask for an application form from reception.

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111 is the NHS non-emergency number. It’s fast, easy and free. Call 111 and speak to a highly trained adviser, supported by healthcare professionals. They will ask you a series of questions to assess your symptoms and immediately direct you to the best medical care for you.

NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.

In case of a life-threatening emergency dial 999.

Latest News

Global IT issue affecting GP practices and pharmacies nationally

We are aware of a global IT issue which is affecting some primary care services in our region. It may […]

Pharmacy First

Pharmacists have been backed by Government and the NHS to provide a new ‘Pharmacy First’ service. Find the service at […]

Prescribing of medicines available to purchase over the counter

Position statement on the prescribing of medicines available to purchase over the counter for self-limiting and minor health conditions.

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Online services allow you to:

  • book, check or cancel appointments with a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional 
  • order repeat prescriptions
  • see parts of your health record, including information about medicines, vaccinations and test results
  • see communications between your GP surgery and other services, such as hospitals
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